888 Account and PSD2 Regulation

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New Deposit Process for card payments – PSD2

The new regulation called PSD2 (Payment Services Directive 2) requires all customers in EU countries to undergo Strong Customer Authentication (SCA) as part of the deposit process. This is not just related to gambling and applies to all ecommerce environments.

How will this affect my 888 account?

From Jan 2022 all Debit Cards transactions initiated from UK issued cards may require to be further authenticated.

As part of the deposit flow – your issuer may request you to authenticate by means of a password, PIN, text message or fingerprint. You will need to provide this information to complete the deposit. Should you fail to authenticate, your transaction will be declined.

In some cases, your bank or card issuer may decide that this additional authentication step is not required, and your transaction will be processed as normal.

For more information on Strong Customer Authentication, please head to the European Commision site.